
Sharing my thoughts & ideas

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The Aged Care Puzzle Headache

The Aged Care Puzzle Headache

Ageing issues are stressful not only for the elderly, but also for their families. It’s the younger generation who will be tasked with finding the right In-Home or Residential Aged Care for their elderly relatives.

With good information about how the system works and how to set things up, before a crisis, better outcomes will ensue.

Start your preparation long before you think it’s needed – you’ll be glad you did!

Aged Care and a Positive Mindset

Aged Care and a Positive Mindset

                       Is there an overlap between Aged Care and Positive Mindset? A fleeting glance would say 'No!'   I'm Gail Ruth Miller and I wear several hats, but my two passions are: Making things easier for people with Aged Care issues and the...

It Depends How You Look At Things …

It Depends How You Look At Things …

How quickly things can change ... Late last year I was transforming my You Are What You Think & Say course into an online program. Ron (my husband) and I decided to get an appraisal on our home of 36 years. Real Estate sales were going ballistic. It was our chance...

Dementia Awareness Month

Dementia Awareness Month

  "People living with dementia report that social invitations and inclusion start to dwindle. Carers report feeling they no longer have the support of family or friends when the reality is often people close to them withdraw not knowing how to help or not wanting...

The Burning Issue of Carer Burnout

The Burning Issue of Carer Burnout

When consulting with confused families who have elderly parents, I’m seeing increasing numbers of people with Carer Burnout. There are ways to reduce the stress around caring for elderly loved ones so that Carer Burnout can be relieved.

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

I'm Not A Dare Devil As a child Dad took my siblings and I to the speedway, only on Demolition Derby night. My sister, brother and I absolutely loved watching cars deliberately annihilating each other. It was at the speedway that I was introduced to Chicko Rolls - not...

Ever Had Comparisonitis?

Ever Had Comparisonitis?

What the heck is Comparisonitis? There's hepatitis, tonsillitis, meningitis, pharyngitis, encephalitis, dermatitis, appendicitis and probably a whole lot more 'itis' infections we've never heard of. But what the heck is Comparisonitis? Just as debilitating as other...

An Oasis In Our City

An Oasis In Our City

An Oasis In Our City How many capital cities in the world can make this claim? 'We have An Oasis in Our City.' On the southern edge of the City of Adelaide is the most wonderful place of serenity and tranquility. The Himeji Gardens is bordered by a bamboo fence and...

Caught In The Should’ve Syndrome?

Caught In The Should’ve Syndrome?

How often do we beat ourselves up because we’re not where we SHOULD be – in life, in our business, with our fitness, with home projects and on it goes?

Is SHOULD a valid reason for doing anything?

A Year Like No Other

A Year Like No Other

2020 held such promise as the start of a new and exciting decade. Instead, it will go down in historical memory as the year that unravelled the entire world in what is now starting to feel like slow motion. What began with gusto is now looking like it may be an...

Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a Virtue

Eight weeks ago a magpie began pecking at a branch in the fork of a tall grey-box gum tree, way down our sloping backyard. Our floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bedroom window allows us to look into that tree whilst sipping coffee from bed. Several days later the early...

When Business Evaporates

When Business Evaporates

Have a Pity Party, then pick yourself up, dust off and move to Plan B. Work out how to serve others Way back in early March 2020, I’d just presented Life Happens – Dealing with the Tough Stuff to a seniors group. Within a week my speaking engagements began to...